This is a really weird picture that cracks us up. It totally looks like I'm giving a big thumbs up, but it's actually just the shape of Erica's shoulder. I took the photo and looked at it immediately and thought "huh, I don't remember giving a thumbs up." This photo is our new favourite thing.

It's also enhanced by that picture of the naked guy in the background. This is in the L'Escogriffe bar in Montreal. Very awesome bar. Tiina witnessed two people having sex in the bathroom. It's especially alarming because the bathroom was like, co-ed with no door. It was just in the corner of the bar. The two stalls had doors, but there was no real room that they were in. Ah, Montreal. I totally saw a young couple making out under an umbrella outside in the rain too. So romantic and French.
Matt stashed some secret candy in my keyboard case, which I found on stage in Montreal (somehow I didn't see it in Fredericton). Here I am holding it on stage in the middle of our set:

Mmmmmm...chocolate-covered ju-jubes. Thanks Matt!
Oh, hey! We have vinyl to sell now! Our first EP was just re-released on a vinyl 7", which we are selling on tour for a cool $5. Here's Tiina holding one out of the package:

Now you can scratch and sample our songs!
Here's a shot of Erica working the merch table in Montreal. We have a ridiculous amount of merch to sell. You can see a little of our super awesome new shirts with the big ol' bling chains on them. I'll try to get a better picture of one up here soon. They are great.

Those Play Guitar owl t-shirts are really hot too. They have been really awesome to tour with, and have been kind enough to haul our drums and some other gear around for us in their van until we get ours. I really love their music. Our bands sound nothing alike, but I think that makes a show more interesting.
In Ottawa we got a nice surprise: our friend Jaime drove up from Toronto with The Guest Bedroom (who we played with) to see us! Yay Jaime! And yay Guest Bedroom! We'll be seeing a lot more of those guys at the end of the tour when we're playing southern Ontario.
We're still in Ottawa, drinking coffee and eating Kettleman's bagels.
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