The cast:Stephanie, aka Steffi
Tiina, aka T-dot
Erica, aka Ricky
Rachelle, aka Bobo
Cuddle Pillow Batman, aka Cuddle Pillow Bruce Wayne
Wally the Walrus, aka Short Stack
The plan: Drive this Honda Civic as far as North Bay, Ontario:

Switch to Tiina's family's van for the rest of the trip:

(Van may not be exactly as shown).
The route (more or less):
Date of departure: July 19
Date of return: Aug 21
Follow us on our adventure by reading this blog! Don't miss an exciting second!
I'm soooo glad Wally and Batman are coming.
Batman is gonna make sure we get PAID.
Wally is gonna eat all our FOOD.
Plush Batman's going to make you stop and solve crimes, right up until he realizes how Scooby-Doo that is.
having a shit hot time in cornwall.
I would go to Canada if you guys were taking that van from show to show.
I'll be in Toronto in August from Japan for a few weeks. When & where will you be there? I'm guessing you'll be at the Rivoli or the Brunswick.
I didn't get a chance to mail you a CD of some Japanese Indie bands, but I will hand it to you in person! Then you can travel home with it.
uh. i had a walrus EXACTLY like that as a kid (sans the sweater). its name was Mookie. don't ask me where the name came from. actually i don't even remember if that's how the name was spelled.
don't forget futurama dvds for people to watch when they're barfy.
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